Organicoin’s new device helps everyday consumers live healthier lifestyles

It’s important togive people a chance to make better food choices and the ability to know what is in their produce. For this reason, blockchain-based organization Organicoin has created a device to help people measure the substances in the food they are purchasing to eat with hard data. After analyzing all the most popular methods and devices available in the industry like electrical conductivity, nitrate meters, photometry, lonometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the team concluded that none of the existing devices provides guaranteed accuracy of results. Their device, Organalyze, was developed using the principles of photometry. Based on the photometer, they have created a revolutionary device that pairs with any smartphone. The core of the development is to ledger the results of user scans in Organicoin’s immutable blockchain which circumvents the shortcomings of available blockchains in the market.

A lot of people are becoming more conscious of the food they eat and the condition of their bodies. The advice about how to live a healthy lifestyle and the kinds of healthy foods you should eat is plentiful. However, despite all the literature and warnings that have been given to people, quite a few people fail in their attempt to be fit and healthy. Others simply give up because of the amount of effort that needs to be put in.

If you are doing all you can to have a healthy lifestyle, but aren’t seeing results, you may need to consider a few things first.

First off, LIVE don’t diet. It might sound like a contradictory statement, but losing weight is not about dieting or setting restrictions to what food to consume. A successful diet is one that changes attitude towards food and helps people switch to a healthier lifestyle. Diet plans that are loaded with restrictions will only make you obsessed with calorie counting. The best case scenario is that there will be weight loss, but you’ll gain weight once you stop following that plan. Second, do not make too many changes too fast. A common mistake that many people make is attempting to change too many things about their eating habits at the same time. Ultimately, that proves ineffective. It is very difficult to just completely eliminate foods and drinks that you are used to consuming and expect to actually succeed. It is very important to take it one step at a time and introduce changes to a daily diet slowly. It is also important to strike the right balance.

While many believe, for example, that shunning carbohydrates is the way to go, that is not the case. Cutting out macronutrients from a daily diet is not the way to go because it can make you feel deprived and temptsyou to binge. Instead, the best option is to look for healthy, complex carbs like brown rice, quinoa, etc. Third, stop obsessing about calorie counting. Calorie counting does have a number of benefits, which can be held true until it becomes an obsession. Instead, the focus should be trying to eat nutritious food at the right quantities and learning how to read food labels correctly. You should also learn more about what are considered low fat or low calorie foods.

As mentioned previously, even with all the advice and information provided, it can still be tough to stick to a healthy lifestyle and this makes people feel frustrated. Why is it so difficult to stick with a healthy lifestyle in the long-term?What should you do to improve your odds of success? The first step is to understand the problem more deeply. Some of the main obstacles to pursuing a healthy lifestyle include lack of awareness, lack of time, lack of self-control, incentives, and enforcements, lack of know-how and guidelines, difficult access, and unpleasant experience. According to research, people tend to heavily discount the future and only focus on the present, which results in them not correctly weighing the cost and consequences of choosing unhealthy habits and focusing more on short-term pleasures rather than long-term issues. Second, lack of time is a major obstacle. Since we have hectic schedules combined with little time and mind-space, people fail to allocate enough time to the activities and choices necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Finally, people may not have convenient access to products or services that enable a healthy lifestyle. It could be that they are too expensive or it may be too inconvenient to get to a healthy option.

Research has shown that even the healthiest food can be harmful if consumed too much. For example, nitrates and nitritesthat are usually associated with processed meat, can actually be found in leafy greens and other vegetables because of the fertilizer they are grown in. However, organically grown vegetables may have lower levels than non-organic ones since synthetic nitrate fertilizers are generally not used. However, there is a significant difference between the way that nitrates and nitrites are packaged in meat and in vegetables.

Nitrates themselves are fairly inert on their own, which means that they are unlikely to get involved in chemical reactions in the body. But nitrites, and the chemicals formed by them, are much more reactive. Most nitrites that people encounter are not consumed directly, but they are a by-product of nitrates from the bacteria found in our mouths. When nitrites in our mouths are swallowed, they can react in the acidic environment in the stomach to form nitrosamines, which can be carcinogenic and can be linked with bowel cancer. Nitrites aren’t all bad though and there is increasing evidence that they may provide cardiovascular and other benefits because of a molecule called nitric oxide. Research has shown that the role of nitric oxide actually helps dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and is part of the body’s defenses against infection. In addition, people who have limited capacity to produce nitric oxide can be associated with heart disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction.

While the nitrates found in processed meats are chemically identical to those in vegetables that people might eat, it is the vegetable-based ones that people should choose. When it comes to food, it is always about making the better choice that can positively impact the human body.

Based on expert research on the nitrate level in the human body, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrates in food. There are currently a large number of nitratometers on the market, which give erroneous values, as they work on the principle of measuring the resistance of salts in the product. Unfortunately, this method does not qualitatively determine the number of nitrates.

Organicoin conducted research and came to the conclusion that photometrics was the best way to develop a compact portable device that allows users to analyse various substances in food, including nitrates. The data from user scans is ledgered on Organichain, an immutable blockchain. Users can check their results and compare them with results from other food places, products or manufacturers at their convenience.

Organicoin’s airdropalso offers users the chance to earn 3 OCG (Organicoins) in return for completing a few tasks.

To get more information about Organicoin, their device and their platform, click hereor follow them on the channels below:








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